Yamaguchi Cognitive Lab
How human mind works



We investigate human cognition. Learn what topics we are specialised in.


We publish stuff about human cognition. A list of research articles here.

About the PI

A brief introduction to the background of the principal investigator.


Topics we study.

Automaticity & Control
Skill Control & Acquisition
Transfer of Learning
Visual Attention
Joint Tasking
Cognitive Modelling

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Journal Articles

Other Publications

About the PI

Dr. Motonori Yamaguchi

Principal Investigator

I study computational bases of human cognition and am interested in what “intelligent behaviour” means in terms of human cognitive mechanisms. My research focuses on topics such as cognitive control and automaticity, selective attention, skill acquisition, and transfer of learning. They are fundamental to our understanding of how people regulate (or fail to regulate) their behaviors. My research also investigates social and emotional influences on cognitive control. My recent projects examine cognitive processes behind joint tasking (performing a task with other people) and modulations of automatic/implicit processes of socially related factors (e.g., stereotypes, implicit bias). My applied work is concerned mainly with human factors and interface design issues.


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Contact Us

Email: cog.yamaguchi@gmail.com

Phone: +44 (0) 1206 874883

University profile page [click here]